3 Tips for Successful Co-Parenting This Summer

With summer just around the corner, it’s time to think about how you can make this your best one yet. Unfortunately, this might be easier said than done if you have to deal with the complications of co-parenting. Co-parenting isn’t a negative process, in fact, it can be quite beneficial for both the parents and their children. However, there are additional challenges parents must face when they share those duties with their ex. Finding a way to cope with these challenges on a normal basis can be difficult enough, but making allowances for summer break can be exceptionally tough.
If you share custody or visitation rights with your ex, make sure you know what to do to make co-parenting this summer easier than ever. Follow these tips to ensure you and your children get the most of your summer this year.
1. Draw Up a Schedule
One of the best things you can do to get your summer started off on the right foot is to establish a firm schedule your family can work around. Your normal custody arrangement or visitation schedule might not work the same way during the summer, especially if your children are out of school, attending daycare, or spending more time with either parent or a relative. You might also need to make allowances for vacations, summer camps, weekend barbeques, and so on. If you can, meet up with your ex to make a schedule this summer that works for both of you and your children. If you aren’t able to speak amicably, consider discussing your summer plans over email.
Whatever the situation, creating a schedule can make things less hectic for you and having it all written out ahead of time will likely make it easier for your child to grasp.
2. Communicate About Any Changes
Even if you do create a workable schedule, changes will undoubtedly come up. Life isn’t perfect, and sometimes plans change, but if you communicate about those changes early and thoroughly, it can help you avoid any unnecessary arguments or miscommunications. Whether you’re running late for your pick-up time or the hotel you’re staying at for your upcoming vacation has changed, make sure your co-parent knows about anything that directly affects them or your children.
3. Be Flexible
Try to be as flexible as you can about your summer schedule without being unfair. Stand up for yourself, yes, but don’t let your own feelings about your ex compromise the way the two of you parent. Try to understand where they’re coming from and do what you can to help out when you can. Remember, if you extend this courtesy, your ex is more likely to return the favor.
For additional help with child custody or visitation in the summer, you might need to take more drastic measures. If you and your co-parent are unable to find a workable arrangement, you may consider asking the court for a temporary order to alter your custody arrangement for the summer. If you need to take legal action, our family lawyers can help provide you with the guidance you need.
Contact Scaringi Law today to discuss your case with our Harrisburg family lawyers.