Speed Enforcement Woes

Pennsylvania is the only state in the country that does not allow local/municipal police departments to use radar to detect vehicular speed. The reluctance to allow local police departments is caused by a fear that local police departments will use radar excessively, to cite speeders and generate income for the municipality. In the absence of radar, local police departments have been forced to use other, unreliable non-radar speed detection techniques and equipment. In several recent local cases, motorists have been able to successfully defend against speeding citations resulting from the use of such unreliable speed detection techniques and equipment as stopwatch timing and the locally-used ENRADD (Electronic Non-Radar Device) device, by demonstrating their inherent unreliability. If you've received a municipal speeding citation recently, it may be worth your while - and perhaps a couple of points against your license - to seek the counsel of an attorney familiar with unreliable speed detection methods used by municipal police departments.